Some great press coverage for our client TTR Barnes this month

Our client, TTR Barnes, is sponsoring the Employer of the Year Award at the Sunderland Portfolio Awards 2016.

TTR Barnes’ director, David Cook, emphasises the importance on how a business should treats its employees, and the impact that this can have on a business’ performance.

“We are proud to sponsor this award as we firmly believe that a good employer demonstrates a good business. In our experience the commitment and productivity of a motivated workforce has a direct relationship to the success of a business.”

They work with many businesses to help manage growth and business change phases, including advising on staff evolution and development. They understand the change in employees demands and expectations; flexible working and a work/home life balance have become an increasing priority.

“Successful businesses are those who monitor and adapt to changing employee needs, but without compromising the efficiency of the business itself.”

TTR Barnes are very aware of the importance their employees have on the standard of service they are able to provide – qualities that are sought after in the Employer of the Year Award at the Sunderland Portfolio Awards 2016.

TTR Barnes believe employees are at the heart of business success, making them the perfect sponsors for the Sunderland Portfolio Awards 2016. They wish everyone luck and are excited to see everyone on the night.