Photography / Videography

Content is more than just words and good photography and engaging videography are key components to a successful content marketing strategy. Some people love scrolling through a wall of text – but most consumers would rather see a variety of text, images and video.


An estimated 72% of consumers would rather learn about a product or services through video and they’re more likely to buy something after watching a video about it too.

And when you consider that 100 million hours of video content are watched on Facebook every single day, if you’re not already including video in your content strategy then now is the time to start.

How can video help your business?

The internet loves video.

There’s a reason why YouTube has 1.9bn monthly logged in users. And guess who owns YouTube? That’s right, your friendly neighbourhood search giant, Google. In fact, brands which have video embedded in their websites are a whopping 53 times more likely to rank first on Google than those that don’t.

Social media loves video too. Posts which include video consistently see better engagement – that means more likes, shares and comments, all of which push your brand message further.